Beauty News: What We’re Loving This Month

It’s Fall and soon it will be Winter, so just as we’re going through this environmental (and political) change, our beauty routine is going through a sort of transformation too. From colors to more moisturizing skincare routines to battle cold weather ( although it was like 80 degrees in November Continue Reading

Are You Protecting Your Melanin? Here’s Four Skincare Essentials That Will

Summer is here!!! And so is COVID, but yet the sun still shines, and that continues to give me hope for better days. I know we aren’t out and about like we usually are….unless you’re in Florida…but I digress. Most likely, you’re still making grocery store trips often, maybe going Continue Reading

Kitchen Beauticians, Please Stand Up

I understand the luxury and treat it is to sit back and get your hair done by a professional. And TRUST, us stylists are missing our clients too! But these unprecedented times where salons are closed untiled further notice, it’s definitely a plus for the overall health of your hair Continue Reading

COVID-19 Got Your Cuticles Cracked?

Hopefully, we are all washing our hands often as we continue with COVID-19 #stayhome efforts to do our part to “flatten the curve.”  The Center for Disease Control has made it clear frequent hand washing, hand sanitizer, and cleaning products that kill 99.9% of germs can minimize the spread of Continue Reading