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In celebration of National Breastfeeding Month, Black Business Month, AND National Wellness Month, we wanted to spotlight a triple threat MamaWoman who embodies each of these efforts while also creating positive social impact. And we couldn’t think of a better Mompreneur to spotlight than Krystal Duhaney, CEO and Founder of Milky-Mama.com

Krystal, who is a registered nurse and international board-certified lactation consultant, and according to her website, has helped over 10,000 breastfeeding families. Her story is unfortunately much like most women of color. We are greeted with a clinician who devalues our problems and pain levels, and we either end up getting worse or having to take matters into our own hands, which is an article in itself, but for a different day.

Duhaney says she experienced insane pain with breastfeeding her first child and after some time, experienced decreased milk supply. She was then encouraged by a nurse that she was fine and that she should quit. However, Krystal didn’t, and in her research, trial, and error her first cookie was created and so birthed Milky-Mama.

As stated on Milky-Mama.com, “along with offering tasty treats and beverages, Milky Mama has also generated a following of women who help support each other and other women on their journey.”

“It was also important for me to create a village of support because I needed it and I craved it. Having the extra support is so vital. It is heartwarming and a huge passion of mine to give breastfeeding support. I receive so many responses from customers sharing their experience and because they eat my treats they are going strong with lactation. It’s so amazing what a little extra support can do.”

Milky Mama facilitates weekly Facebook chats and a lactation support group which can be found here.

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