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With the start of school vastly approaching, school districts are scrambling to make the best decision for its staff and students. In recent weeks, school districts are moving toward remote/distance learning to lower the spread and risks of Covid-19.

Back in March of 2020, students were thrown into the virtual learning space in which most were indeed unprepared for. This learning shakeup has altered the home environment, especially for stay at home moms. The usual routines of daily clean up and errands have quickly changed to frequent grocery trips, higher light bills, more laundry to fold, and getting acquainted with “new math.”

As a mom and educator, I feel most comfortable with my children learning remotely. Fortunately for me, I obtained a degree specializing in Instructional Technology and my children can benefit from a virtual learning environment. This may not be the case for all moms. Here are
some tips to help your virtual learning environment successful at home

  • Set up a learning space (a desk or chair; check your local thrift store)
  • Request a laptop or tablet from your school district
  • Purchase necessary school supplies (crayons, markers, paper, pencils, and pens) and organize them in a space
  • Make a poster size schedule and hang it in the learning space (use the schedule set by the school district)
  • Ensure Wi-Fi connections are strong
  • Take breaks when necessary
  • Incorporate the arts, physical education, and foreign languages
  • Sit in on lessons (especially pre-k through 8th grades)
  • Request virtual conferences with teachers to monitor your child’s progress
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