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Today is National Self Care Day and I’m sure we could all think of a million ways to celebrate. Although this year will be a little different, there are still a number of creative ways to integrate self-care into our routines. Some of us now actually have the bandwidth to make it a priority, but others are still doing their best to find the time to get it in where it fits in. Not to mention, we are all still pretty busy doing our best to keep ourselves and our families safe while adjusting to whatever 2020 is trying to be. Regardless, continue to protect your loved ones from the outside germs, but understand it is also necessary to protect the energy within our homes too.

We encounter so many different energies, vibes, spirits, (or whichever term you resonate with) daily. We really don’t even realize how often we bring them into our home space. We would also be surprised at how much of the energy we carry, doesn’t even belong to us. This is why cleansing your home is also a form of self-care practice.

I’ve provided 3 essential ways to cleanse the energy within your home space: 

Burn Sage or Palo Santo

Sage smudging is commonly used to rid your space of negative energy, cleanse, and purify the air. Many also burn sage as a tool for spiritual cleansing or rituals. To burn sage, light the end of the sage stick, walk around, and wave the smoked end to cleanse the air. Others may prefer to place the sage stick on an abalone shell and allow the smoke to float through the air. Regardless, don’t forget to open the windows and allow the bad energies to flow out of your home space. Preliminary research suggests that using sage could improve your mood and memory. “A 2005 study showed that common sage improved memory and cognition (thinking ability). In addition, increased dosages were related to improvements in mood, and feeling alert, calm, and content. It has been suggested that sage has a protective effect against neurogenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, because of the active compounds it contains.” (Cuncic, 2020)  Palo Santo, which translates to “holy wood” is also an energy cleanser for your home that will bring in some amazing healing vibes. Although both are generally safe, be aware of the effects of the smoke around those with respiratory related issues.

Set Intentions

An intention is based on principles surrounding how you want to live your life, and who you want to be in this lifetime. Setting intentions for your home is a great way to bring focus and attract the positive vibrations into your reality. According to Mindulminutes.com, “Setting an intention before your meditation, yoga practice, or even your day can be a powerful practice because it’s the first step to embodying what you want. Wayne Dyers said, “Our intentions create our reality” …  If you’re focusing your mind on specific intentions during a meditation, you are bringing it to your focused mind, your thoughts, your heart… and in turn helping to bring it into reality.” (Eisler, 2014) Set intentions surrounding how you want to declutter your home or how you want to feel when you are at home. Don’t forget to re-visit your intentions often, it keeps us focused on what matters the most.

Add Indoor Plants

Lately, I’ve heard so many women express their desires for spending more time in nature, so why not bring nature into your home. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t have a green thumb?  There are a number of beautiful indoor, low maintenance plants out there. Plus, there are so many benefits such as purifying the air and eliminating toxins. “Studies have also proven that indoor plants improve concentration and productivity (by up to 15 percent!), reduce stress levels and boost your mood… Indoor plants serve a practical and aesthetic purpose, and will enhance your life.” (Lee, 2017) 

While bubble baths, facials, and massages amongst others are all forms of self-care, it is also essential to our lives to cleanse our home space. With so many of us spending a lot more time at home, it is important to cleanse this space regularly; but keep in mind, this cleansing is not only great for your home, it is also nurturing for the soul. 


Cuncic, A. (2020, May 28). How Burning Sage May Help Your Physical and Psychological Health. Retrieved July 24, 2020, from https://www.verywellmind.com/the-benefits-of-burning-sage-4685244

Eisler, M. (2018, December 28). Intention Setting 101. Retrieved July 24, 2020, from https://mindfulminutes.com/intention-setting-101/

Lee, S. (2017, July 13). Why Indoor Plants Make You Feel Better. Retrieved July 24, 2020, from https://www.nbcnews.com/better/health/indoor-plants-can-instantly-boost-your-health-happiness-ncna781806

About Post Author

Chasity Hubbard

Chasity is the Managing editor and writer contributor for Mama Woman magazine and writer contributor for Dopamine Magazine. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Georgia State University, and recently obtained her MBA degree from Capella University. She is a wife and mother of 2 who enjoys spending time with family. Chasity also spends her free time seeking knowledge, listening to chill vibes, and reading spiritual books. She is currently in the process of writing her first book and building her brand for her outlet, Her Pretty Urban Soul. Both projects will focus on mind expansion, self-exploration, and the power of the mind. Stay Tuned.
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