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This Mama thing can get tricky. There are moments where I have to remind myself that Mamahood looks different for everyone and that’s okay. Although we have a number of parenting books, magazines, and guides accessible to us for assistance, we still have to manipulate the information to fit our household and lifestyles. 

However, one thing that we can all relate to is the fact that our babies are counting on us and watching us. We have to show up for them every single day, whether we feel like it or not. So many of us have experiences that cause us to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. Don’t forget those times where we question whether we handled that situation the right way, or if we are even doing enough. It’s definitely like that sometimes. 

Another important lesson that I’ve learned so far, is that in order to show up for my babies in a healthy way, I must first show up for myself. Gratitude and affirmations/mantras are essential to my life and both have made a positive impact on my mental. 

Black women are known for our strength and resilience. To help keep us mentally grounded, I’ve included a list of powerful and positive affirmations that I love from liveandearncanada.com. These affirmations support the attraction of self-love, motivation, and financial abundance. Repeat these to yourself and set as little as 5 minutes to pour into yourself daily.

  1. I embrace the greatness within me.
  2. I’m proud of my culture, upbringing, and experiences; they made me who I am
  3. I accept responsibility for my own happiness and development
  4. I’m building a supportive network that encourages and motivates me
  5. I am a strong black woman that deserve all the good things coming my way
  6. I am choosing not waiting to be chosen
  7. I inhale confidence and exhale doubt
  8. I have the power to create change
  9. I am better than I was yesterday
  10. I am filled with joy, happiness, and love
  11. I will not let society dictate who I am
  12. I am enough
  13. I am a magnet for blessings
  14. I have a positive body image
  15. I am a beautiful black woman
  16. I feel comfortable in my own skin
  17. I am worthy of happiness and success
  18. I am grateful for the many blessings in my life
  19. I am dedicated to accomplishing my goals
  20. I can accomplish anything I set my mind to
  21. Attracting more success comes easily and effortlessly to me
  22. I am attracting wealth and prosperity into my life
  23. I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life
  24. There is always more than enough money in my life


*, N. (2020, April 29). 35 Positive Affirmations for Black Women Around the World. Retrieved from https://liveandearncanada.com/positive-affirmations-for-black-women/

About Post Author

Chasity Hubbard

Chasity is the Managing editor and writer contributor for Mama Woman magazine and writer contributor for Dopamine Magazine. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Georgia State University, and recently obtained her MBA degree from Capella University. She is a wife and mother of 2 who enjoys spending time with family. Chasity also spends her free time seeking knowledge, listening to chill vibes, and reading spiritual books. She is currently in the process of writing her first book and building her brand for her outlet, Her Pretty Urban Soul. Both projects will focus on mind expansion, self-exploration, and the power of the mind. Stay Tuned.
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