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Many women are constantly on the hunt for the perfect pregnancy diet. One that will provide supreme nourishment to their unborn baby, make them feel healthy and strong, and of course not add too much
weight that can’t be easily whittled away during that snapback phase postpartum! During their quest to find this unicorn diet, they are met with an abundance of conflicting information regarding the do’s and don’t’s such as eat fish vs fish is too high in mercury or eat mostly plant-based vs. lean red meat should be your main iron source. Also to note, there are women who can’t think about anything but saltine crackers the entire pregnancy as they are in the trenches dealing with hyperemesis gravidarum, an
extreme bout of morning sickness that can last well beyond the standard first trimester!

This article will highlight some tips for fostering healthy pregnancy eating habits with the ultimate goal of presenting information that best suits your pregnancy journey!

Eat a Mostly Well-Balanced Diet

  • According to the Bump website, there are a few specific nutrients that are essential to consider in your diet while pregnant:
  • Folic Acid (leafy dark greens, beans, breads, citrus fruits)
  • Protein (lean sources such as fish but stay clear of high-mercury fish such as tuna
  • Calcium (spinach and fortified-calcium orange juice)
  • Vitamin D (milk, asparagus, eggs)
  • Iron (red meat, beans, iron-fortified cereals)

Most of these nutrients are fortified in prenatal vitamins. However, as humans, it is recommended that we try to attain nutrients from a variety of major food sources. When you are pregnant, the operative word in that sentence becomes “try” as you find yourself having to completely surrender to newly formed cravings and or food aversions.

Don’t Feel Guilty for Food Cravings or Aversions!

I remember shedding tears explaining to my doctor the guilt that I felt for having no desire to eat many of the healthy foods I once devoured without hesitation. In between the nausea and sickness, I really only had a taste for salty food products such as pretzels, Cheez-Its, and bacon. Admittedly, I ate 1 if not all 3 of these things every day of my pregnancy. The key that worked for me is moderation versus over indulgence. For instances, if I had 2 pieces of bacon for breakfast, I would try to snack on unsalted pretzels when I felt that salt craving happening again mid-day. It wasn’t a perfect science nor am I even sure that it makes sense even sharing it now. What I can note is that I learned that guilt only made me feel worse and that it was better to indulge in a craving or stay clear of an aversion however with a premise of an intentional set of mindfulness.

Your Body Will Tell You All You Need to Know

At the end of the day, the goal of your pregnancy eating habits should be rooted in creating a strong in utero environment for your little one to grow! Yes, we all hope to acquire all the diverse nutrients while
gaining as little weight as possible. For some this is attainable; for many it is not and that is ok! Whether you are able to drink green smoothies and run a 5k during your pregnancy or have bacon almost daily and walk the hallways of your job as exercise on your lunch break, know that the key is that your best will always stand as perfect for your unique pregnancy journey. The best thing you can do is to be mindful about making healthy food choices for your unborn child and stand strong in your choices!

What eating habits did you have while pregnant?

While pregnant, I really “tried” to maintain some semblance of a well-balanced diet. I made it a goal to eat at least 1 serving from each major food group per day. For instance, since I could no longer physically tolerate raw vegetables I had to say bye-bye to my beloved salads and hello to steamed vegetables and smoothies. It was a similar situation with fish. Luckily, I began to enjoy thinly cut baked chicken breast which became a staple for my lunches and dinners. I would also look up recipes on pregnancy-friendly websites such as The Bump and What to Expect When You Are Expecting to give me ideas that might spark my appetite.

Author’s Note: The purpose of this article is to share one mama’s experience and tips with building pregnancy eating habits. Please remember to consult your physician for all professional medical advice.
The Bump website: What to Eat When You’re Pregnant https://www.thebump.com/a/10-pregnancy-

About Post Author

Jasmin Merritt-Lloyd

Jasmin’s deepest passion is to empower women through her life’s work: teaching. She is a former K-12 teacher who now teaches and coaches aspiring teachers! She is a mama of two, a daughter through birth and a son through a blessing. She runs a book club for young girls that promotes empowerment, sisterhood, and service. She hopes to inspire all women through her writing and teaching to discover the inner beauty and strength that makes them a MamaWoman.
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