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This week is Teacher Appreciation Week! Teachers are special people who have the unique responsibility of being the root that is planted in all facets of our society. Due to the current state of the world, teachers are flexing their extra creative skills through facilitating online learning, doing a drive-by visits/parades with students, providing meals to their students, and so much more.

We are encouraging you to take time this week to show your appreciation to your child’s teacher(s) with a gift, praise, or a simple “thank you.” e-note. If a teacher is one of the many feathers you adorn on your MamaWoman hat, we want to offer our sincerest and heartfelt thank you for your service.

As you may have experienced, due to school closures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, parents have taken on the highly unanticipated task of “homeschooling” their children. In other words, the tables have turned, and mamas all around the world are now teaching their children how to do math “the old school way” because the “new math” their children were learning in their curriculums is something out of this world!

As a unique spin on Teacher Appreciation Day, we asked a few teachers to provide motivational words to our MamaWomen readers who are currently in the trenches of homeschooling. Check them out below!

“Sometimes, life happens, and the classwork won’t get done. That’s okay. Sometimes we are overwhelmed, and we don’t have the energy to homeschool. That’s okay. Sometimes we just don’t know. That’s okay too. Take it one day at a time and give yourself GRACE. Reach out to your child’s teacher or any teacher you may know, we love to help!”

—Mrs. K. Akinmoladun, 6th Grade English–Teacher and MamaWoman

“Teachers are not expecting families to transform their homes into a classroom that includes all of the routines, procedures, and elaborate lessons that students might experience in the traditional classroom setting.  I am encouraging families to do the best they can with the resources they have.  If families can do so, they should encourage their students to read and write daily about something of their choice. “

Encourage their student to practice math daily.  There are many educators and organizations available
to support and provide families with resources to support their efforts. “

Ms. T. Malone, Teacher
Advocate and Former 7th Grade Math Teacher (follow her @urbanequity)

“The Covid-19 pandemic has rearranged all of our lives in unimaginable ways. We’re having to juggle responsibilities that we weren’t prepared to manage. With that in mind, parents, remember this: you are enough. Your presence, your smile, your laughter, your encouragement is enough to get your child through this. Stressing about assignments, or flashcards, or rigorous academic activities won’t provide the comfort your child needs to weather this storm. But your love and hugs will see them through.”

Mrs. M. Edwards, 4th Grade Social Studies Teacher, and MamaWoman

“We are in this together. Let’s think of creative ways to get students engaged and pique their curiosity.
Let’s continue to share ideas and resources!”

—Mrs. S. Anderson, Principal of K-5 School and

“Your child’s teachers are just as anxious as you are to get them back into their classrooms to ‘catch up’ and begin the learning experience again. Find comfort in this. You are doing great! Make sure to spend
just as much time homeschooling as you do loving up on your babies”

—Mrs. J. Lloyd, Professor of
Aspiring Teachers and MamaWoman

About Post Author

Jasmin Merritt-Lloyd

Jasmin’s deepest passion is to empower women through her life’s work: teaching. She is a former K-12 teacher who now teaches and coaches aspiring teachers! She is a mama of two, a daughter through birth and a son through a blessing. She runs a book club for young girls that promotes empowerment, sisterhood, and service. She hopes to inspire all women through her writing and teaching to discover the inner beauty and strength that makes them a MamaWoman.
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2 thoughts on “A Salute To Our Teachers

  1. Well done Jasmin. On behalf of Teachers and parents here in Nigeria, we appreciate your insights and appreciate that you spotlighted the partnership between teachers and parents. When things shift back, parents and teachers will have a better appreciation for each other. Neither job is easy! God works in mysterious ways.
    Dr. Wilson

  2. Teachers are the hardest working most under appreciated professionals. Great article!

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